Constant Modulating Pressure Valve (CPM) Resources
Learn more about our constant pressure modulating valves for hygienic processing.

What is a Constant Modulating Valve
Learn more about the FBCPM valve - the applications, benefits and size range. In addition to UHT and HTST applications, the CPM valve is an ideal choice for automating constant pressure set points in heat exchangers, separators, and CIP/SIP systems of filling processes.

What is UHT and HTST Pasteurization
Learn more about UHT and HTST pasteurization and how our constant pressure modulating valves can help.

FBCPM Valve Comparison Chart
Take a glance to see how our constant pressure modulating valve, the FBCPM, holds up against our competitor. One major difference is our one piece diaphragm compared to a fifteen piece diaphragm.

FBCPM Advertisement
See our latest ad on the FBCPM constant pressure modulating valve. Find out which of our key features we are most proud of and how they can help you with easy maintenance and little downtime.

CPM Valve Video Library
Learn more about the Constant Pressure Modulating Valve and how it can help you with your applications.